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Welcome to Business Over Drinks, one of the most unique podcasts you will find anywhere in the world helmed by two people from different walks of life.
This entrepreneur podcast is an extension of their real-life experiences as business owners, salaried employees and industry mavericks who made mistakes along the way and lived to talk about it.
Doctor Jace Tan is the founder of Tan Chiro – a leading chiropractor in north Brisbane.
Sometimes we interview founders of multinational companies, and sometimes we interview solopreneurs or people who are not necessarily global but are still killing it in business nonetheless. I think we can definitely learn from both.
So if you’re at a standstill in life at the moment and are looking for some kind of inspiration of what to do, or if you’re looking for tips on how to start and operate a growing brick-and-mortar business – this episode will be useful for you.
Today we’re interviewing a dear friend of mine who decided to leave the rat race to do her own thing. But her journey to get there wasn’t the easiest and it wasn’t necessarily the most linear. And based on our chats in the past, her taking time off to travel around the world had a lot to do with her successes today.
She was going to do medicine like a good Asian daughter, but when she did an internship at Gleneagles in KL, she had this nagging feeling that ‘surely there’s something else she could help people with before their health deteriorated to this level’ and went into chiro instead.
After her travels, she worked as an associate in a number of practices around Brisbane before finally deciding to go and do her own thing.
Starting from a small space north of Brisbane, she’s had to quickly upgrade to a much bigger location and now has a small team helping her with this immense growth – all within a year. She also has a long list of loyal clients, which is a great indicator of the quality of what she offers.
Welcome to the show, Jace!
- David: Winesmith Organic Chardonnay
- Terng: Suntory Strong Zero Triple Grape Flavour
- Jace: Glenlivet whiskey
- Jace’s background and experience in Australia
- The biggest culture shock of moving from Malaysia to Australia
- Travel experience
- Crazy experience in Mongolia
- Working experience as a chiropractor
- Challenges of being a woman in the industry
- What made Jace decide to establish Tan Chiro
- Skepticism about the legitimacy of chiropractors and how Tan Chiro overcomes the challenge
- Recommendation on exercise to improve productivity
- Challenges and failures when setting up Tan Chiro
- Our review and summary of Bob Iger’s Ride of a Lifetime (our YouTube version here)
- Start with Why by Simon Sinek
- Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman
- The disappearing spoon by Sam Kean
- Visit our book recommendations section for more books from our guests
- Get a FREE audiobook and support our show by signing up to a free Audible trial here: https://www.audible.com.au/bod011-20
- Check out amazing (and collector’s) selections of gin and whiskey from Gin Loot and Whiskey Loot :https://whiskyloot.com/?rfsn=5301500.ece0af&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=5301500.ece0af
- Listeners get 10% of David’s hilarious new book, Everyday A**holes, using the promo code BOD at checkout. Get a copy at everydayassholes.net.
- Listeners get a free 30-minute consultation with Terng’s company, SYNC PR. Just mention this podcast when contacting them at syncpr.co
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(reminder: drink responsibly)
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